Research areas
Aerospace engineering
Shared research topics of the faculty are flight technologies, propulsions systems, small satellites, aircraft design, launching and reentry of winged spacecraft and capsules. The research carried our reaches from mission analysis to flight control, from aerodynamics at subsonic to high supersonics speeds, and from materials and structures for extremely high temperatures to air-breathing jet engines. Additional research focus is on simulation methods for highly integrated systems, fluid dynamics, jet combustion, damage propagation in composites, and flight control.
Today’s Geodesy relies on modern technologies, which are pushed forward in teaching and research. The faculty’s research is mainly on virtual reality, transportation and traffic control, aircraft and ground vehicle navigation, satellite measurement, photogrammetry, remote sensing, geo information systems, computer-aided measuring and automation, automatic image interpretation as well as industrial measurement systems and robots.
Test rigs and facilities
The individual institutes have various test facilities for the purpose of experimental verification of numeric simulations, e.g. high-altitude test chambers, wind tunnels, shock tubes, and plasma tunnels.
Research at the University of Stuttgart
Deanery office of the faculty 6
Pfaffenwaldring 27, 70569 Stuttgart, Room 00.0005

Stefanos Fasoulas
Prof. Dr.-Ing.Dean

Nico Sneeuw
Prof. Dr.-Ing.Vice Dean