49th PEGASUS Council Meeting

PEGASUS Fall Meeting October 13th to 14th 2022 at the University of Stuttgart

49th PEGASUS Council Meeting

The 49th PEGASUS Council Meeting 2022 will be held at the University of Stuttgart from October 13th to 14th. In order to help us planning, we kindly ask you to register until Sep 10. Please find below the agenda as well as travel and accommodation information.


Oct, 12th Day 0

  • 18.00 - Reception  [Pfaffenwaldring 27 Foyer]
    • Barbecue, tour through Institute of Aircraft Systems, student's research displays

Oct, 13 Day 1 [Pfaffenwaldring 27] 

  • 14.00 - Workshop on Sustainable Aerospace [V27.03]
    • 14.00 Opening
    • 14.10 Gustavo Alonso - "Clean Aviation"
    • 14.30 Joris Melkert - "ACARE - Flying the Green Deal" 
    • 14.50 Scott Delbecq - "Aviation & Climate: a literature review"
    • 15.10 Coffee break [R0.028, the opposite room]
    • 15.30 Georg Herdrich - "Sustainability in Space Engineering Research Activities"
    • 15.50 Andreas Strohmayer - "Electric Flight Research Activities"
    • 16.10 PEGASUS member's round table on sustainability
  • 17.00 - Board Meeting [V27.03]
  • 19.00 - Dinner in Brauhaus Schönbuch, Stuttgart [https://goo.gl/maps/CAbGqgukS2KxRoBk8 ]

Oct, 14 Day 2 

  • 9.00 - Council Meeting [Pfaffenwaldring 27]
    • 9.00 - Welcome [V27.03]
    • 9.30 - Working Groups [V27.03 / R0.028 / R1.028]
    • 11.00 Coffee break [R0.028, the opposite room]
    • 11.30 - Together [V27.03]
    • 12:00 - Lunch
    • 13.00 - Together [V27.03]
  • 15.30 - Research Facilities Tour [ Altitude test stand / Space systems labs]
  • 15.35 - Industry Alliance Meeting [V27.03]



University of Stuttgart, Campus Vaihingen,
Pfaffenwaldring 27, 70569 Stuttgart

Location map

Further information


Please free to find your favorite hotel via your booking platform. Within two minutes by S-Bahn, you reach Stuttgart Vaihingen, where you will find for example Pullmann and ibis. If you have your own transportation, Relaxa Waldhotel might be an option. If you prefer more action look for a hotel in the city center.


For your mobility in Stuttgart, public transport with S-Bahn is highly recommended. (During August, S-Bahn is partly in maintenance. Therefore, your navigation app currently won't show you the S-Bahn. In October, it will operate normal). It connects the Campus Vaihingen to the city center within 10 minutes. The University of Stuttgart exhibits two campus. Our meeting takes place at the Campus Vaihingen, which is south and outside of Stuttgart. The University Campus in Vaihingen has a direct S-Bahn connection to Stuttgart Airport and Stuttgart Main Station.

Discover Stuttgart

Visit www.stuttgart-tourist.de/en to find out how to spend your free time in Stuttgart.

Registration PEGASUS Fall Meeting

Please give us information, at which parts of the Council Meeting you will participate. The reception on Wednesday is optional and will only be held if we have enough registrations.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

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