Scholarships and grants
Interested students can find information on funding opportunities at the University of Stuttgart and the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and Geodesy on the following pages.
The Hermann-Reissner-Foundation at the University of Stuttgart maintains a cooperation with the faculty and supports foreign students' projects.
Here you can find a list of foundations with connections to the University of Stuttgart.
Page of the Academic Foreign Office on the funding possibilities for an international study.
By Index sorted topics of the Federal Association of German Foundations.
The Flight Control Talents project at iFR is designed to support high-performing students in the Master of Aerospace Engineering in the academic year 2022/23. The project is funded by the School for Talents of the University of Stuttgart.
Deanery office of the faculty 6
Pfaffenwaldring 27, 70569 Stuttgart, Room 00.0005

Stefanos Fasoulas
Prof. Dr.-Ing.Dean

Nico Sneeuw
Prof. Dr.-Ing.Vice Dean