All professors, junior professors, private lecturers, scientific representatives, student representatives, equality commissioners
Usually once a month on Wednesday afternoon.
All professors, junior professors, private lecturers
Usually once a month on Wednesday afternoon.
All professors
Appointment as required, in conjunction with the Promotion Comittee.
Chairman: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Schwieger
All full-time professors of the faculty and representatives of the Mittelbau
Appointment as required
Chairman: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Middendorf
Members of the Research Council
Appointment as required
Deanery office of the faculty 6
Pfaffenwaldring 27, 70569 Stuttgart, Room 00.0005

Stefanos Fasoulas
Prof. Dr.-Ing.Dean

Nico Sneeuw
Prof. Dr.-Ing.Vice Dean